星期三, 2月 25, 2004


my futurama comics finally arrival, hell yeah~

LEFT : this is my new collection...four new side stories inside n' 120 full-color pages...
MIDDLE : where can i find this PS2 game?
RIGHT : crossover w/ simpson...

星期六, 2月 21, 2004


a real action movie nite, coz tonite we goto watch ONG-BAK...that guy's KUNG-FU are crazy, inside da movie had some shot maybe too violence...so when this showin' in hongkong, some screen hvn't shown...hehe...but i like it...n' we're watch cantonese version...so da talk 've a little bit funny...haha...

星期四, 2月 19, 2004

Lost In Translation(迷失東京) / Lost in Dream...

watched Lost In Translation tonite...but someone lost in SophiaCoppola...also lost in dream abt the book~

星期日, 2月 01, 2004

last day...

tdy is the last day of my long vacation...um...nothing to do...go supermarket buy toilet tissue w/ mom n' stay hom n' 've dinner w/ family...hair cut for my brotha n' myself...ok...i think my "almost daily" will be hold on for a while...ha...ha...need keep on my work again...~!!
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