中國製造"起來 飢寒交迫的奴隸
起來 全世界受苦的人
奴隸們起來 起來
鄧小平 萬里長城 北京蜂皇精
回鄉證 空調彩電 周口店
齊齊哈爾 放飛劍 回鄉探親
十八路軍 秋後算賬 嘩
鄧麗君 謝主龍恩 床前明月光
人民大會堂 為自由 大白兔糖
總書記 樣版戲 人大 橋牌 親中氣功 雷鋒
"不知道 什麼都不知道"
張俊生 滔滔千里心
全國人民 特異功能 天安門事件
銀翹解毒片 秋後算賬 友誼商店
"傲氣 傲氣 熱血 傲氣" 四個現代化 針灸神打
紅貓花花 唱談普通話 中國城
三打白骨精 豆豉鯪魚 聯合聲明
功夫鞋 中國女排 中僑 裕華
個人崇拜 中央電視台 下鄉勞改
秦城監獄 中南海
"零的突破 一國兩制 三年零八個月四人幫 五星旗 六四事件七七蘆溝橋 八國聯軍 九七 十一國慶"
你話 0系咪
吾爾開希 中文傳呼機 對話
英雄牌墨水 愛國無罪 陳沖
省港杯 足球隊 體操王子 快艇走私
天河體育館 夜審烏盆 盲流 紅雙喜 神州大地
港澳粉 揚州炒飯 表姐你好0野
政治犯 北京填鴨 基本法 地下通道
開放改革 四面楚歌 國內提貨坦白從寬 bpmf
中國特產 第四輪會談 北妹周南
凌霄巖 直通車 阿姐 秦俑溝通 溥儀 陶瓷 崔健 拉麵
"不知道 我什麼都不知道"
坦克車人民解放軍 一無所有 十二億人
抽煙痰罐 幹部高官 安定繁榮 希望工程
"我是知道 我不是什麼都不知道我是不知道 我不是 不知道"
萬重浪 萬重浪 紅日光 萬重浪
"同志 美麗的新天地 百花齊放希望 愛 信心 天下太平好
來 一起來 來干 干 幹你的世界"
5 Comments: think we have to do somethin to show those jap ass tha CHINESE r not losers like them la..
hai.."move" hand "move" leg hai no gd...but how dare those jap fuckers go change the history..n wha..come to our land n tell us to knee down n say sorry to them?
we must know wha is in our heart.
anti japp assssss....
(this is all my own opinion la)
violence is not an answer, they change the history but they can't change the fact. even they didn't change any words on textbook, they also can use other way to change pplz mind.
now i think we have to do is show our CHINA POWER to other country, don't do something like a wild man.
ya,I agree what ks said.
hope "Anonymous" can see couldless's reply.
You know what. You should read what that woman wrote on my blog about how the Japanese soldiers were loved in parts of South East Asia.
This is what Japanese people think.
I feel sick.
Right now i feel I hate the Japanese people too. I didn't think that until I read all the things they are saying on flickr on my blog. All the excuses they are making.
I know a lot of German people and they dont say those things at all. They don't think it's okay to pay homage to Nazi soldiers.
Violence begets violence. I agree. But we have to remember that we did not start the violence. We did not invade their country. We did not kill those people and rape those women and they are not sorry. Not at all.
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