星期五, 5月 06, 2005

Royal Elastics presents FREE ART Party.

it was another art party presents by Royal Elastics last nite. 3 internetional street artists YOK, BOB and Mephisto Jones were did a live painting inside idNPRO Shop, ground floor Jones made a huge stencil work is rock and YOK drawing his bearded character, the only female artist BOB used smooth line painted seven little girl on the long canvas.
enjoy the party and fotos.

Royal Elastics2005 Free Art Kick-Off Party
Featuring:Yok, Bob and Mephisto Jones live painting
Venue:IdNPRO Shop Shop C, 5-9 Gresson Street, WanChai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2528-5744

YOK : www.theyok.com
Mephisto Jones : www.mephistojones.com

this side painting.


this side finsihed.

_seven "xox bob".

_YOK is watchin' YOK.

_two beard.


_angel's rock.

other stuffs inside the room.

_BOB's hand made paper pocket.

_YOK's poster with tag for only 200 piece.

_JONES's character as wallpaper.

_YOK's another canvas work.

inside my sketch book.

click here to read the article of "Royal Elastics DozeGreen and SheOne in Hong Kong"



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